Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Princess and the Frog Debate

Independent Women

In cartoons females are usually depicted as princesses, sidekicks, male alter egos, and wives or girlfriends. All of these identities somehow relates back to a man. Princesses, particularly Disney princesses, are always looking for prince charming to swoop in and change their live. Sidekicks such as Batgirl, are dependent on a man for there job, and without such man would not exist. Carbon copies of male cartoons such as Daisy Duck to Donald Duck are created just to compliment the male character. The list of female cartoons wives and girlfriends is endless. So I went on a search for a list of independent, non-male centered female cartoon characters;
Ursula (The Little Mermaid)
Josie and The Pussycats
Creulla DeVille (101 Dalmatians)
Velma (Scooby Doo)
Powerpuff Girls
Betty Boop
Sandy (Spongebob Squarepants)
Admidtly this is a short list and I am sure there are more, but these characters represent the aura/attitude of most independent female cartoon characters. To me it is most interesting that many independent characters are villians, to me that is sending the message the women who grow up single turn bitter and evil. On the other hand there are characters such as Sandy and Velma, who are smart, witty and hang right in with the guys, but they have no type of sex appeal and are never looked at for their beauty. Lastly there are characters like Betty Boop where their sex appeal and identitiy as single is their most dominant characteristic. What kind of message are these characters sending to young girls? The images suggest that if you are single you are either evil, nerdy, one of the boys, not sexy or just waiting to be taken. There is a saving grace, characters such as Josie and the Pussycats and The Powerpuff girls give youg girls a vision of females who independent of males, attractive, strong and stable.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Super Heroines


While searching for various female characters from Disney’s repertoire, I often came across websites for the "hottest" or most attractive Disney characters. These shows are generally meant for children to watch and enjoy, not to analyze the “hot” factor of each character. One website listed the hottest characters, which had the curviest bodies and were scantily dressed. Of course at the top of that list, by several percent, was Jessica Rabbit. These characters are supposed to be role models for young children not sex symbols. I just thought it was a little shocking for that to appear when searching for Disney characters; I have never analyzed them in that way.
The Disney Princesses in particular are very prevalent in a young girls life. Most girls idealize them and want to be princesses themselves. They are often powerful women and don’t let anything stand in their way or fulfilling their dreams. I think this is a very good example for children in teaching them to follow their dreams. But one argument that is circulating is: Does the way Disney princesses dress and act have a negative affect on young girls?
Media and movies plays a huge role in the development of a child. When they see someone famous and powerful, a child will model themselves after that person. This is no exception for Disney Princesses. Jasmine, for instance, wears a low cut shirt that completely exposes her midriff. This could send the message to a young girl that the way to success and happiness is through sex appeal.
Betty Boop in Boop-Oop-A-Doop 1932
In this cartoon entitled " Boop-O0p-A-Doop" Betty struggles against the Ringmaster's attempts to take her " Boop-Oop-A-Doop" away. Basically the Ringmater saw Betty's performance and decided he wanted to try to rape her. I found this cartoon a little disturbing because it was essentially about rape and sexual harrasement. This cartoon was made in 1932 so it reflects the attitudes at that time. Even though Betty escaped from the Ringmaster this cartoon represents the power struggle between men and women and could possibly be hinting at society's ideas about rape in this time. Of all the scenarios Betty Boop could have been placed I wonder why the cartoonist decided to put her in that awful situation.