While I was surfing the web, searching for an article about the objectification of women, I stumbled upon an article about super heroines. This article got my attention because it addressed the body image of female super heroes. It demonstrated that Marvel heroines are underweight. A graph explained that the BMI range of female super heroes is not varied and tends to be on the lower end of the "normal" range. The average BMI of an average female super hero is 18.5 which is considered underweight. I found this interesting because when I think of a super hero, I picture an in-shape and healthy person. This is not the case for these characters whose body types would technically make them weak.

These characters give an illogical expectation of body image. "This may corroborate sociological and literary observations that in the Marvel Universe, women must fulfill criteria for being attractive by Western standards before fulfilling the criteria of biological realism (Healey)." This shows how our culture is more focused on being skinny than being healthy. For example, how people use crash dieting instead of changing to a healthier lifestyle. The depiction of super heroines correlates with the way we use media. Instead of displaying people how they really appear, models are photoshopped and airbrushed to look thinner and more "perfect."
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